Thursday, January 26, 2012


I had every intention of sitting down with my laptop and writing about a book I read last spring, but once I got past the first sentence, I hit a roadblock of sorts. I can't remember any characters' names besides the kid whose name is in the title of the book. This difficulty led me to google to search for a character list. However, I didn't click on any of the 3,200,000 results because I had a thought. I'm sure it's not the first time anyone has had this thought, and I know it won't be the last.

So here it is... Wouldn't it be great if there was and IMDB-like website, but for books?!! It would be amazing! Every book ever written would be listed with characters, plot summaries, number of pages, etc. I know what you're thinking, "It's called 'SparkNotes,' Becky." I'm not talking about just the classics, or the literary masterpieces that I had to read throughout high school. I'm talking about the YA books that my friend Kaitlyn and I enjoy reading. The books that you spot on the shelf at the library and decide to check out just because it has a cool cover. Yeah, those books.

If any of you know of a website like this, please let me know! I have a horrible memory, so I'd still have to look up a character list minutes after I finished a book. AKA. This website would be a lifesaver.

Read on,


1 comment:

  1. It's called Goodreads, Becky. ;) They don't have character lists per se, but it is where I get all of my book info!
